Faculty Education Feedback Booth for the UW-Madison Department of Surgery

On June 6th, 2017, Brendan Eagan and Amanda Siebert-Evenstone facilitated a faculty education feedback booth at the Layton F. Rikkers Educational Retreat: Scaffolding the Development of Expertise, hosted by the Department of Surgery at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health.
During the feedback booth, surgical faculty and residents reviewed one of three short videos of a medical student performing a basic clinical task. The video was designed to show a medical student displaying good clinical performance and some with errors, thus creating content for both praise and corrective feedback on the part of the faculty.
After watching the video, faculty and residents engaged in a role-play with Brendan and Amanda who played the role of the medical student from the simulated task. They used the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Education Committee’s Teaching Educators Across the Continuum of Healthcare (TEACH) program to evaluate whether or not participants displayed one of the following feedback skills:

  • asked for student input about their performance;
  • labeled conversation as feedback;
  • provided direct observations as basis for feedback;
  • checked for understanding;
  • and summarized next steps.

After the role-play, Brendan and Amanda gave recommendations to faculty and residents about feedback strategies and suggested approaches for future feedback conversations.
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